I Want to Eat the Earth: A Sonic Almanac From the New School of the Anthropocene # Winter Solstice

Saturday 18th January 2025 18:02 - 19:00 GMT

The New School of the Anthropocene is a radical experiment in alternative education, away from marketisation and arcane specialism towards co-sensing systems change through creative practice. This is an ecological transmission of DIY ethics, non-hierarchical structures, radical networks, interconnected sensing through sound, text, voice, spoken word, human and more-than-human collaborative practice, patchwork group thinking, and radio art.

This episode was created for the Winter Solstice of 2024, a time of extreme dark or light in either direction, a hunkering down in the wet earth or a baking out in the hot sun. The piece is composed by Stephen Shiell using original material from NSOTA scholars.

With contributions from Stephen Shiell, Rhona Eve Clews, Chris de Sel,** Sk.ye, **Lu(Lu)Lu, Blanc Sceol (Stephen Shiell & Hannah White), Clare Whistler, Michael Timmerman, and Simon McClelland Morris.

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