I Want to Eat the Earth: A Sonic Almanac From the New School of the Anthropocene # March Equinox

Thursday 27th March 2025 09:00 - 10:00 GMT

The New School of the Anthropocene is a radical experiment in alternative education, away from marketisation and arcane specialism towards co-sensing systems change through creative practice. This is an ecological transmission of DIY ethics, non-hierarchical structures, radical networks, interconnected sensing through sound, text, voice, spoken word, human and more-than-human collaborative practice, patchwork group thinking, and radio art.

This episode is created for the March equinox, a time when northern and southern hemispheres experience equal amounts of dark and light, night and day, before tipping towards or away from the sun. The piece is curated and produced by Stephen Shiell and composed using original and borrowed material from NSOTA scholars.

With contributions from Stephen Shiell, Hannah White, David Lea, Chris de Sel, Sk.ye, Venetia Allen, Rhona Eve Clews, Pascal Sleigh, Naomi ZP, Simon McClelland Morris, Michelle Watson, Tommy Calderbank, Blanc Sceol

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