Gravity Waves and The Spirit World # January 2023

with The Spirit of Gravity
Saturday 9th December 2023 01:05 - 03:00 GMT

Commissioned new work from contemporary sound practitioners and other audio choices from experimental electronic collective The Spirit of Gravity.

This episode is bookended by long pieces from Simon Pyke and Marcelo Armani. It also features old friends of the Spirit of Gravity – including Fane, Thomas Stove, and Jonathan Higgins – plus a noisemaker who is new to us, Bantu.


1st Hour
Simon Pyke - Improvisation for Radio and Luminist Garden
Fane - Rite of Midwinter
Thomas Stone - An Act Of Surrender - Part 3
Thomas Stone - An Act Of Surrender - Part 1
2nd Hour
Bantu - Excavating The Future
Bantu - Unknown Origin
Bantu – Code of Silence
Jonathan Higgins - After
Jonathan Higgins – Polar
Jonathan Higgins - Before
RDyer - Canary (down in the mines)
Marcelo Armani - To Medicate a Future Time (live Dec 17, 2022)

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