Gravity Waves and The Spirit World

Tuesday 8th January 2019 22:00 - 00:00 GMT

Commissioned new work from contemporary sound practitioners and other audio choices from experimental electronic collective The Spirit of Gravity.

A selection of tracks from within the orbit of SoG + a field recording of a jungle clearing being swept. Out with the old....


F Ampsim - The spirit level
Sealionwoman – Siren
Map71 – Neon Sign Quiet Life
Spheress - sqqqwllll with more meat (LAIRFEYTE)
Humanfobia - Colapso Dimensional
Forktail – Dronehenge
DR-WR - Antiseptic
Sealionwoman – Siren
Boboboboboin! - 07 Dear Love Child〜Single Mother Blues〜

Clearing the Jungle - Field recording

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