GOOD NIGHT #1 - Hauntology

with Ceylan Goksel and Sami Fitz
Friday 23rd August 2024 04:30 - 06:00 BST

Said the sky to the moon, shall we do a dance? I'll wait for you to make the move but please don't wait until you hear - the sound below the atmosphere. Ceylan Göksel and Sami Fitz reach subliminal heights with genre-busting spoken word, ambient textures, sound sculptures, and a different theme every show. We wish you a good night.

Hauntological art can be thought of as having two stages, or layers. The first layer seems to present something that’s in some way idealised – this is often but not always an image involving the past. The second, ‘hauntological’ layer problematises, compromises and obfuscates the first layer, undermining or damaging it in some way and introducing irony into the work, and represents the opinionated viewpoint of the present. While the first layer might express hope and confidence, the hauntological layer contradicts and undoes this by expressing a satirical doubt and disillusionment”. Adam Harper - Rogue’s Foam


Music from:
Boards of Canada - In the Annexe
AGF - Cavallo
Belbury Poly - The Willows
Autechre - Melve
Lightworks - Dorothy Collins
Burial - Night Bus
ToiToiToi - Alte Weise
Nico - Mutterlein
Advisory Circle - A Mechanical Eye
Ian William Craig - The Edges

Readings/Recordings from:
Fairytale: Godfather Death #44 - Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm
Poem: “A Fixed Idea” by Amy Lowell
Excerpt: Specters of Marx: The State of the Debt, the Work of Mourning and the New International
Excerpt: Hauntology: The Presence of the Past in Twenty-First Century English Literature by Katy Shaw
Found Sound: Voicemails or taped conversations from loved ones before they died - grandmother, grandfather, etc
Found Sound: Excerpts from historic speeches, news reels

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