Georg Dietzler
Wednesday 14th August 2024 02:30 - 05:30 BST

FUNKT was a festival of electronic music and sound art from Cologne, which took place on the 16th, 17th and 18th of April 2021.

This is a three hour extract from the festival, featuring sound art, computer music, homemade instruments, DIY electronics, radio play, noise, data sonification, field recordings, radio art, sound studies, historical anchor points, niches, insider tips, and different generations of Cologne's electronic and sound art landscape.

Full details and line-up:

The FUNKT programme was developed under the project management of Georg Dietzler by Anke Eckardt, Claudia Robles-Angel, Dietmar Bonnen, Dirk Specht and Felix Knoblauch, in cooperation with Sarah Washington and Knut Aufermann.

Thanks to sponsors Musikfonds e. V. with project funds from the Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and the Media as part of the special programme Neustart Kultur, Kunststiftung NRW (North Rhine-Westphalia Endowment for the Arts), the Cultural Office of the City of Cologne.


20:00 – DE-COMPOSING MACHINE /Natalie Bewernitz, Marek Goldowski
20:29 – Superpolar Taips Mix / Marco Trovatello presents bleed Air, Dust, Emerging Industries Of Wuppertal, Ball Geographie, Robin Barnick, Harald Sack Ziegler, Peter C. Bruno
21:00 – BANGALORE BANG ! / Peter Simon, Freya Hattenberger
22:00 – Der kleine grüne Würfel / Frank-Christian Stoffel 
– Schmuseaufgeladen / For Example John
– Autoliebe / Die Formation Doppelherz 2000
 - Zeitalter der Verklärung / Die Leere im Kern deiner Hoffnung
 - Des Kaisers / Svann E. Langguth
 - Strasse nachts / Svann E. Langguth
 - Discodräu /  Erich Schall
22:30  AN INSIGHT INTO THE IMAGINARY OF AAMIGAFEA / Aamigafea: Estefanía & Vanesa Cortés Rodríguez

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