First Light's Third Space #18 - Marara & Hyperdawn

Monday 18th December 2023 14:00 - 16:00 GMT

Each month, First Light Records invites two artists to take an unplanned journey with a microphone around their city to curate an hour-long mix. Each show captures the unique atmosphere of a city from each artist's perspective, through music and found sound.

In the first half of this show, Melbourne-based producer Marara captures an impression of her city in her distinctive style of sonic collage; fragments of conversation, found sound, and a curated selection of music from the area come together to form a considered and tender portrait of life in Victoria's capital.

Hyperdawn take the reins for the second hour, with a mix of field recordings, music, and exclusive material that honours the full range of Manchester's vibrant character; flitting between the city's outer marshlands and its bustling centre, intimate home recordings and bass-driven productions.

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