female:pressure #8 - Justine Perry

Thursday 7th June 2018 18:00 - 19:00 BST

Twice-monthly broadcast showcasing electronic music produced by members of the female:pressure international network of female, transgender and non-binary artists practising in the fields of electronic music and digital arts.

Welcome to a new episode of female:pressure podcast. This time, Justine Perry in the mix. Originally from Lille (France), Justine Perry moved to London and Paris in order to work as a music journalist. She then relocated to Berlin. Influenced by its club scene, her sets are coloured by dark and acid techno ambiences, bringing the essence of rave to her audience. She then signed to the Berlin-based management and event agency Art Bei Ton, and is now working on the release of her first EP, as well as the creation of a light show with the VJ artist Lucy Williams.


Zum Goldenen Schwarm - Ubergang (2015) 
Biosphere - Valchirie (2012) 
Cio D’Or - Fata Morgana (2007) 
I Murdered - Coping Complex (2017) 
Civil Duty - No Dexterity (2015) 
Adriana Lopez -Close Resemblance (2014) 
Ruhig - Pulse Width (Wata Igarashi remix) (2015) 
Korridor - Somnolence (2015) 
Sigha - Down (Function Remix) (2017) 
Neel - The Vancori Complex (2017) 
Vegim - Traumm (2015) 
Atom TM - Ich Bin Meine Maschine (2013) 
Liza Aikin - Lonely. Quiet (Takaaki Itoh (Remix) (2017) 
Answer Code Request - The 4th Verdict (2014) 
Ruhig - Eddying (2016) 

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