Estuary Magic #21 - Transmissions From the Hash Citadel

with Benedict Drew
Thursday 21st December 2023 17:00 - 18:00 GMT

Communiques from Thanet Tape Centre, hard drive sludge, audio tidal pools. Music sediment. Friends utterances, sea walls of noise, salt marsh drone.


Benedict Drew - You Are Now Entering The Citidel
Buckminster Fuller - Spaceship Earth ( excerpt)
helterhelter - This is Your Captain Speaking Your Captain is Dead
Benedict Drew - Social Music (Daytime)
taller ahuehuete - Walter Benjamin | Hashish in Marseilles ( excerpt)
Gil Mellé - Andromeda, The Andromeda Strain: Original Electronic Soundtrack
Hawkwind - You Shouldn't Do That
Ursula K. Le Guin reads her story "Intracom"
Planetary Peace - Festival of Humanity
Benedict Drew - Haschischmusik aus der Zitadelle

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