East Asia PhoNographic Mornings #25 - Yannick Dauby - 'Penghu 2008'

Wednesday 24th January 2024 18:47 - 19:00 GMT

Stéphane Marin presents a weekly series of fifteen short soundscapes recorded in the mornings at various locations throughout East Asia. This series for Resonance Extra forms part of a wider project, 'Each Morning of the World', which invites sound artists, composers and recordists globally to share their own specific point of listening, either through a raw field recording or original composition.

In this episode, 'Penghu 2008' by Yannick Dauby:

"A group of volcanic islands located in the Taiwan Strait, swept by violent winds during the wintertime. Some traditional habitats are - or were - remaining: built with blocks of dried coral, they follow precise rules of Chinese architecture and high level of craftsmanship. Most of them were destroyed or simply abandoned to the invasive species of vegetation.

The recordings presented here were part of a personal survey of those constructions, which led to a book-CD entitled 'Villages, Vestiges' by myself and Wan-Shuen Tsai."

Yannick Dauby has been working with microphones and audio since 1998, based in Taiwan since 2007. Engaged into the environments of this island through field recording, audio documentaries, and community activities. Projects based on experimental practices, informed by ethnography and ecology, about the non-humans lifeforms, their habitats, their relations to human cultures. Designing sound for fiction, documentary and experimental films, contemporary dance, and architectural spaces.

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