Dronica #62 - Dronica Meets Cerpintxt

with Nicola Serra
Monday 3rd February 2025 06:00 - 08:00 GMT

Nicola Serra, founder of East London's experimental music festival Dronica, presents new and archival material.

In this episode, Dronica meets Cerpintxt.

Cerpintxt is an electroacoustic progress report from the cosmic madhouse, through the medium of voice, auto-destruction, wind-guided experiments in protoconversation. Her work is concerned with generating an invented language of a particular strain of softness through phonetic entropy and augmented instrumentation.

The hauntological element of her work explores a form of sonic activism against the weaponization of love in Egypt. She curates the London-based event Boundary Condition. A durational sonic immersion for the rabidly sentimental: investigating the parallelization between dark-jazz, hauntology, and music concrete as nostalgia-centric practices trickling from the persistence and antagonistic fragmentation of certain memories.

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