Dronica #50 - Dronica meets DJ Comisarios de la Luz
Nicola Serra, founder of East London's experimental music festival Dronica, presents new and archival material.
In this episode, Dronica meets DJ Comisarios de la Luz, co-curator at Magia Roja, in Barcelona.
Màgia Roja is a label/association/venue from Barcelona, specialized in non-conformist music and culture with a decidedly iconoclastic slant. Described as "Spain's most extreme and most important label-slash-venue " and "a place unlike any other in Spain, perhaps any other on earth" by the Quietus, Màgia Roja has become a reference point of the Spanish underground in recent years.
The first hour of the podcast is a mix trying to convey what a Màgia Roja night at HQ was about, done by the resident DJ Comisarios de la Luz.
The second hour of the episode is a selection of tracks from the artists in the label, including some to-be-released tracks.