Discrepancies #95
Discrepancies is a global showcase of disparate music with a focus on earthly field recordings and international sounds, curated by the Discrepant record label, presented by Gonçalo F Cardoso.
In this episode, acousmatic vibes and musique concréte set pieces. Innovators and new-schoolers massage our eardrums into the deepest recesses of sound mangling. Radiophonic mass pieces, trips to the Italian coast and fears of drowning all make an appearance. Classic avant-garde? More like gourmet music sounds, old and new.
Anne Gillis - Usinage en chambre des machines
Sote - Lips Seeking the Forbidden
Keith Fullerton Whitman - GRM (Redactions) (Part #2)
Ákos Rózmann - Kyrie eleison - Orgelstycke IV
Luc Ferrari - Presque Rien No.1B
C-drík - Year 2040, France is the last country on Earth to ban plastic bags
Pierre Henri - Après La Mort 1 (Fluide Et Mobilité D'un Larsen)
Dariush Dolat-Shahi - Zahab (Tar and Electronic)
Halim El-Dabh - Wire Recorder Piece (1944)
Suzanne Ciani - Yukon
Delta Derbyshire - The Sea
Anne Gillis - Ondulatoires