Discrepancies #78

with Gonçalo F Cardoso
Thursday 12th December 2024 12:00 - 13:00 GMT

Discrepancies is a global showcase of disparate music with a focus on earthly field recordings and international sounds, curated by the Discrepant record label, presented by Gonçalo F Cardoso.

This episode is dedicated to the voice, human, animal, alien & transformed vocal cords. What started as a random selection of tunes eventually took an unexpected turn when I realised the quantity of records being played with the voice center stage.

The first half weise randomly pulled records, for the second half I had a plan in mind. Voice games, gutural drones, acapellas, cut ups, glurps, burps and singalongs for the festive season.


Wojciech Rusin - Paolo's Dream
Music From Burundi - Akazehe pour deux jeunes filles
Nuno Canavarro - Untitled
Gammelsæter & Marhaug - The Stark Effect
Music from South Ethiopia - Nyabole. Singing on the Way to the Dancing Ground.
Ghédalia Tazartès - Soul 5
Francesco Cavaliere - Xilo di slamella che infilza
Baka Forest people - Solo Voice
Bitchin Bajas - Outer Spaceways Incorporated
Children of the Stones - Opening Titles
Wendy Carlos - March from A Clockwork Orange (Beethoven - Ninth Symphony,
Fourth Movement, abridged)
Carlos Casas - Interview with a Bat Hunter
Ayshay - Warn U
Calhau - Bófia Cult
King Gong - Skip
Carl Stone - The Jugged Hare
Bak Forest People - A Capella
Babenzele Pygmies - Hindewhu
Francis Bebey - Sunny Crypt
Sea Urchin - Asa
Children of the Stones - Matthew’s Accident
Ghédalia Tazartès - Traces de Coups
Ákos Rózmann - Kyrie eleison / Orgelstycke IV

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