Discrepancies #62

with Gonçalo F Cardoso
Saturday 20th July 2024 08:00 - 09:00 BST

Discrepancies is a global showcase of disparate music with a focus on earthly field recordings and international sounds, curated by the Discrepant record label, presented by Gonçalo F Cardoso.


Cybe - The Running Water
Pierre Bastien - Rail at a Liar
Dwart - Aqua Alta
Fatima Al Qadiri - Hip Hop Spa
Beatrice Dillon - Workaround Three
Andrew Pekler - Hy Brasil
Iasos - Splash Happy
Star Searchers - Avatar Blue Logo Two
Mecánica Clássica - Litoral de Roca M
Hannibal Chew III - La Ballena Punteada 1
Mecánica Popular - Impresionistas 2
São Paulo Underground, Tupperwear - HAL 2845
Camino al Desván - La Contorsion de Pollo
Embassador Dulgoon - The Shapeshifting Masks
Mecánica Popular - Impresionistas 1
Mesías Maiguashca - Intensidad y altura
Blue - Gene Tyranny - Time Transposing Pianist (A Letter from Home, vertical version) -Live at Roulette, New York, March 27, 1992
Iasos - Tahiti Sunset

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