Discrepancies #101 - Death in Haiti

with Gonçalo F Cardoso
Saturday 7th December 2024 08:00 - 09:00 GMT

Discrepancies is a global showcase of disparate music with a focus on earthly field recordings and international sounds, curated by the Discrepant record label, presented by Gonçalo F Cardoso.

This last episode of 2024 is a special mix from Félix Blume featuring a collage of field recordings made in Port au Prince early December 2016, Haiti. Some might remember a very special album we released in 2018, Death In Haiti; a vivid sound portrait depicting the way funerals and burials are lived in the Caribbean island of Haiti plunging the listener into a world of pain, loss and solemn celebration as each funeral comprises of its own live jazz band as well as a plethora of characters like the joker (le blaguer) who cracks jokes and tales about the recently deceased.

A beautiful document here expanded with some extra recordings featured on a recently released bonus disc edition condensed into more 43 minutes of brass bands, crying, masses, voices and field-recordings. Check Félix Blume’s Bandcamp for the ‘pay what you want’ bonus disc edition where every cent will go to the musicians struggling during very difficult times in Haiti.


Maestro Walter’s Brass Band - Si je Parlais
Piano & Screaming
Funeral Procession - Ami Fidele et Tendre
Last Prayer
Maestro Walter’s Brass Band - Miséricorde Insondable
Marijuana, Rhum and Music around the Grave
Funeral Procession - Amazing Grace
Maestro Naders’s Brass band - Pardon
Coffin’s Destruction
Maestro Turenne’s Brass Band - Lot Bo Rivye
Hearse Horn and Youth Marching Band
People Crying at the cemetery
Maestro Walter’s Brass Band - Travése Dezé
Prayers, Singins and Maestro Midouin’s Saxophone Solo
Maestro Donald’s Brass band - Jesus Sauveur
Maestro Midouin’s Brass band - La Semence D’ici Bas
Political Discussion at the Cemetery
Maestro Turenne’s Brass band - Pitye
Blagueur Ti Battu, Last Joke

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