Dingus #2

Sunday 14th January 2024 18:00 - 20:00 GMT

Mike Cooter's combustible tale from the airwaves’ most thrilling detective!

Episodes 4, 5 and 6 of this landmark radio series.

"It was a shape around something else, like everything..."

Dingus is a six-part radio drama produced by CBS and recorded at the height of the 1943 flu pandemic that swept through Hollywood. Denied of a marquee cast and blighted by a curious obsession with the object that drives its narrative, this innovative and formally-reflexive oddity disappeared almost completely without trace. In 2010 artist Mike Cooter set out to find and rehabilitate this elusive artefact, initiating an 12-year journey that culminates in the re-emergence of Dingus.

Cast: John Dingus: Mitchell Mullen. Male Narrator: John Christian Bateman. Female Narrator: Alexandra Metaxa. Lieutenant Johanssen: Colin Stinton. Veronica Marden: Christy Meyer. Finnegan: Cory Peterson. O’Rourke and Elmsdood: David Menkin. Peterson: Joseph Balderrama. Frances: Kelly Burke. Written, directed and produced by Mike Cooter. Editor and assistant producer: Jim Whelton. Composer: Jobina Tinnemans.

Commissioned by Resonance FM. Supported by The Jerwood Trust, The Elephant Trust and The Henry Moore Foundation.

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