Colliding Lines #8 - Lights Out Listening

Saturday 20th January 2024 04:00 - 06:00 GMT

Colliding Lines present live sessions, cross-genre collaborations and left-field recordings drawn from the London, UK and international experimental scenes; a long-form love letter to recorded audio as soundtrack, as sound art and as storyteller.

Held in pitch darkness, Glasgow's Lights Out Listening Group is a bi-monthly series of listening sessions, sharing new sound/radio works and a love of creativity in the sonic arts. This month founders Mark Vernon and Monica Brown play selected works from their archives and talk about community, radio, LOLG and upcoming broadcast festival Radiophrenia.


Mark Vernon – Frozen Palms
Monica Brown – A change of direction again
Nicola Scrutton – Word of Mouth
Barry Burns – The Long Slow Panic In Us Which Never Quite Surfaces
Marcello Messina – We all appreciate the irony
Zoë Irvine – The Last Afternoon in Antwerp
Davide Tidoni – Non Molleremo Mai (We Will Never Give Up)
Tony Morris – There Are No More Planes
Tian Miller – Singing in the Rain
Sarah Kenchington – Pump and Parp
Duncan Herd – 100% PURE PARADISE
Johnathan Prior – The Last Brewery in Alloa
Chris Dooks – Gwiazdozbiór Andromedy
Lin Li – Unvoiced-voiced
Jamie Flett & Judith Williams – Let Me Hold (Skin To Skin)
Elina Bry – It’s a Heartache
Catherine Street – I cast my own shadow over it
Amble Skuse – Do Less
Cassia Dodman – Clean a Sink
James Chapman – Marblerun 1
Chin Li – Whisper 3: A Manifesto
Tandsmør – Inside The Fish We Find
Tim Knight – Demagogues Are Selling 'Simpler', But I'd Like to Tell You This
Kyriakides – Tusk I & II

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