Beholder Halfway #25 - Beyond Unwanted Sound w/ Marie Thompson

with Paul Rekret
Tuesday 24th October 2017 19:00 - 20:00 BST

Monthly investigations of music politics with Paul Rekret.

This month: A discussion with media scholar Marie Thompson about her new book, Beyond Unwanted Sound: Noise, Affect and Aesthetic Moralism (Bloomsbury). We discuss different conceptions of 'noise', as anti-music or the cacophony of industrial society, competing theories of noise and Marie's powerful argument that noise is neither inherently bothersome nor transgressive. We end by discussing some of the musicians and sound artists that Marie argues transcend the dominant morality by which noise is related to.

Marie Thompson is a Lecturer in Lincoln School of Film and Media. Her research centres on the affective, material and gendered dimensions of sound, noise and music. She is the author of Beyond Unwanted Sound: Noise, Affect and Aesthetic Moralism (Bloomsbury, 2017) and the co-editor of Sound, Music, Affect: Theorizing Sonic Experience (Bloomsbury, 2013). She has also published a number of chapters and articles on the intersections of noise and femininity.


Bredbeddle – Keep the Salt
Pauline Oliveros and Reynols – Cathedral Juice
Teddy and the Frat Girls– I owe it to the girls
Vile evil veil – left luck #1
Angel Ho – removals
Henry Cowell – Aeolian Harp and Sinister Resonance
Klein - Cry Theme
Helen Papaioannou – In the Loop (performed by Helen Papaioannou and Hannabiell Sanders)

Mmeellttiinngg – flower
John T. Gast - Sedna
Lamers - Inthro (Breathing exercise)
Torturing Nurse - ncsda
Pole – Modul
Sachiko M – don’t ask
Diamanda Galas – Looks could Kill
Inga Copeland and Dean Blunt - 2

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