ATTN:Magazine #17 - Texture and Path

with Jack Chuter
Tuesday 30th January 2024 02:00 - 04:00 GMT

Thematic mixes and reflections, captured along the Dorset coastline by ATTN:Magazine's Jack Chuter.

Music to the touch. Soundscapes to ramble through. Two thematic playlists narrated from the farmlands of Throop, Dorset.



Sofheso – 0109 (from Archive) – 2018
Fleshlicker – Scratching - 2018
Hesitation – Etruscan Rooking - 2018
Masayuki Imanishi – 8 (from Worn Tape) - 2018
Andrea Taeggi – Gylany - 2018
Audrey Chen – Heavy – 2018
Ipek Gorgun – Seneca – 2018
Manuella Blackburn – Snap Happy - 2017
Tomoko Sauvage – Fortune Biscuit – 2017


Black Spirituals – Pan - 2018
Dahb - Visions From An Astral Core - 2018
Aidan Baker – Lost In The Rat Maze – 2011
Laurel Halo – Raw Silk Uncut Wood – 2018
Slobodan Kajkut – Darkroom – 2018

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