Athens Inner City Broadcast #6 - Harash Manes

with Georgios Karamanolakis
Sunday 7th January 2024 15:01 - 16:00 GMT

Explorations of the inner city sounds of Athens and surrounding areas through lucid soundscapes and site-specific transmissions.

In this episode, sounds from various fields of music from the city, with the addition of field recordings and found tapes.


Kostadis – Verso (2015)
Sounds from Piraeus – Youtube (2015)
Christos Chondropoulos – Syncope / Sequence of Stars (2014)
Sofia Lambropoulou – Live at the Chapel of ascension. (2014)
Panos Charalambous – Hetzaz Neva Manes (2017)
Athens Metro – Youtube (2017)
Koma Nergize Botan – Awazek te (2015)
Stratos Bihakis – Greek Ethno Music Location Recordings (2016)
Sikh community of Athens – youtube (2017)
Gypsy musician unknown in the streets of Athens – youtube (2014)
Athens Central Market – youtube (2017)
Ismail Ipek – uknown (tape found in Athens flee market)
Nagar Kirtan – youtube (2014)
Old man playing laterna in Athens – youtube (2007)
Tasos Stamou – A Litany of Aishiteru Wa (2013)
Danae Stefanou / Michalis Moschoutis – 6 (2017)
Plaka Athens – Youtube (2016)
Gypsy weeding in Athens – youtube (2013)
Windy Athens – youtube (2010)
Athens Laterna – youtube (2009)
Cars in Athens – youtube (2017)
Good Luck Mr Gorsky – New album preview (2013)
Ilan Manouach / Costinho - @ Ket (2014)
Piraeus sea – youtube (2017)
Rain in Piraeus – youtube (2017)
Pyrrichios Sera horos / Sourmena Attika (1965) – youtube (2012)

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