Athens Inner City Broadcast #28 - Populated Waves

with Georgios Karamanolakis
Tuesday 6th February 2024 16:00 - 17:00 GMT

Explorations of the inner city sounds of Athens and surrounding areas through lucid soundscapes and site-specific transmissions.

This episode starts with a field recording piece from yours truly, formed with sounds from the scavengers market and various factories and continues as a semi-presentation of the exquisite new album by Dimitris Kamarotos on the newly formed Intersonic Records -

Two pieces from Εlectromagnetic Landscapes (Unreleased Recordings 1983- 2016) are presented and then diffused by recordings made by Yiorgis Sakelariou in Thailand. Finally sounds from urban areas in Athens lead to Persepolis by Yiannis Xenakis.


The Vernacular literacy of a Lost World. / Georgios Karamanolakis.
Populated Waves / Dimitris Kamarotos.
Landscape with Knots / Dimitris Kamarotos.
Bangkok - 11th floor. / Recordings from Thailand / Yiorgis Sakelariou.
Mekong river. Golden triangle. / Recordings from Thailand / Yiorgis Sakelariou.
Wat. Tha. Ton. / Recordings from Thailand / Yiorgis Sakelariou.
Various recordings from Athens streets. / Various.
Persepolis (part of) / Yiannis Xenakis.
Fragments from a random interview. / Various.

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