Athens Inner City Broadcast #26 - The Ceremonial Traveller

with Georgios Karamanolakis
Saturday 3rd February 2024 08:00 - 09:00 GMT

Explorations of the inner city sounds of Athens and surrounding areas through lucid soundscapes and site-specific transmissions.

This episode features sounds from Various world music LPs (found in the Athenian flee markets) with the addition of field recordings.


North Yemen. Chargui and Hakif dances (zaranig music) performed by a group of villagers of Husseiniyet ( a small town near Beit el Faquih in central Tihama). Flutists (Ismail Mohammed Khureissan and Mansur al Ouassabi.

Kabuki. (Music from). Sound / Effects. Mizuoto – Namioto – Usudoro – Yamaoroshi – Kazaoto – Tokidaiko. Mitsudiko – Sambam. Oldashi – Shinobisanju.

Kabuki. (Music from). Shrine Music. Gakuai – Honkagura – Mihokagukia – Miyakagura.

Tibet – Nepal. / Musique Bouddhiste Lamaique. / Musique rituelle et Profane. Musique Tibetaine. 1. Rituel de fumigation Lha -Bsangs. (Enregistre le 3 – 12 – 1965 a Bodnath).

Environments 11. / Alpine Blizzard (part of).

Tibet – Nepal. / Musique Bouddhiste Lamaique. / Musique rituelle et Profane. Chant d'un mantra (Formule Magique). Enregistre le 18 – 10 – 1965 a Tarap, Dolop. Lamas et religieux du monastere de Kegr. Ordre Religieux. Rhying – Ma – Pa. Apres la priere d'offrande collective les religieux centonnent le Mantra <> Invocation a Padmasambhava, saint protecteur du Lamaisme Tibetain at tout partialierement de l'ordre Rhying – Ma – Pa.

Passion – Sources. / Real World. Banga Sabahiya.

Passion – Sources. Uknown Ethiopian Musicians – Tejbeit.

Unesco Collection. Musical Sources. Ceremonial Music from Northern Dahomey. Bariba Court Ritual.

Mavi Deniz. Chrisanthi Gavriilidou Miliopoulou. Istambul.

Environments / Rain in pineforest.

Unesco Collection. Musical Sources. Aka Pygmy Music. Nzombi. / Music for the return from a hunt.

Unesco Collection. Musical Sources. Aka Pygmy Music. Epanda. Invocations to the spirits of the ancestors.

Unesco Collection. Musical Sources. KUTSI ERGUNER meditation on the ney -

Echoes of thunder. / Thunderstorm.

Binta Giala. 1933 Tountas Panagioths. Voice of Perpiniades Stellakis.

North Yemen. Aghani Atifi, songwith accompaniment on the Dekm, performed byTaquia Naji and her niece. (Recorded in Hajah).

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