Athens Inner City Broadcast #21 - Theophania In Every New Beginning

with Georgios Karamanolakis
Sunday 28th January 2024 12:00 - 13:00 GMT

Explorations of the inner city sounds of Athens and surrounding areas through lucid soundscapes and site-specific transmissions.

In this episode, a mix of experimental music from Athens mixed with field recordings from train rides and other various sources.


New Years eve fireworks – Youtube.
Marinos Koutsomihalis / Nicos Kirgiazopoulos – live at 22/12/12
Adam_is – Embracing the light (ships horns in Piraeus during Theophania)
Danae Stefanou – We are the pronouns that you leave.
Yiorgis Sakellariou – Stikhya / part 1.
Costis Drigianakis – Adila kai krifia, (Borderline fest sample)
The brazen bull torture – Youtube
Agelastos Petra film – Elefsina, music by K.Bita.
Agelastos Petra film trailer.
Michalis Moschoutis – Nylon Love.
Palestinian Dabke in Athens 3 – Shada Sheheden Youtube
Police cars in Athens – Youtube
Train Cab ride in Athens isap live system – Youtube
Dead Gum – Inhaler
Mama Luma – Ourougouaou
Free piece of tape – Live at MIR Fest. 08
Arabic Weeding party – Garo Bardakjian Youtube
Cabride Athens Metro system – Youtube
HCN – Part 1
Ilios – Ensemble Phoenix plays Ilios.
Driving in heavy rain in Athens – Youtube
Tasos Stamou – Neanderthal part.
Turbo Teeth – Yellow Equals One, ep preview.
Jay Glass Dubs – Carthago Dub.
Christos Chondropoulos – Musci from the early robotic societies of the Basin.
Big Fat Lips – Untitled 2
Millions of dead tourists – The day 1,71 billion people died and went to facebook.
Panos Alexiadis – Promnesia
Dimosioypaliliko Retire -Gnorizontas / o Stragalisths 2002
Otomo Havva – Massive Panic
Alio Die / Parallel Worlds – Wordless Arcanum.

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