Athens Inner City Broadcast #13 - Eirkti Records

with Georgios Karamanolakis
Friday 15th December 2023 12:30 - 13:30 GMT

Explorations of the inner city sounds of Athens and surrounding areas through lucid soundscapes and site-specific transmissions.

In this episode, more than just a simple independent music label, Eirkti constitutes a basic point of reference for the music that we are in fond of, the kind of music that we keep on listening to, following, loving and supporting.

We continue enjoying years of `liberating imprisonment΄ in a musical context that determines and is being determined by the way that we experience reality.


ΟΔΟΣ 55 – Ήλεκτρο – Φως (2016)
Clown – Λευκά κελιά (1983)
Die Bunker – Destruction (1983)
Αντί... - Δίχως πρόσωπό (1986)
Film Noir – Excuse (1986)
Evrydika BA2O37 - Солдат Поэт (2017)
Χωρίς Περιδέραιο – Το χρώμα και το σχήμα (1983)
Reseau D'ombres – The Abstract call (1984)
Ώρα Μηδέν – Αφήστε το κορμί μου ήσυχο (1989)
Μetro Decay – Σκιές (1983)
Femmes Fatales – Why David (1985)
Chapter 24 – Μία Μάζα (1985)
Αusswitchs – Απειλή (1983)
Ήταν είναι και θα είναι – Δεσποινίς Χορεύετε (1990)
Plastic Dolls – Don't forget Me (1984)
Alexandros – Tonight (1983)
Brigade Internationale – In Obscurity (1983)

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