Athens Inner City Broadcast #10 - Neutral Buoyancy. Alexis P.C. TV. UW

with Georgios Karamanolakis
Tuesday 21st January 2025 08:00 - 09:00 GMT

Explorations of the inner city sounds of Athens and surrounding areas through lucid soundscapes and site-specific transmissions.

In this episode: sounds and decomposes parts from the sound archive of diver and explorer Alexis Papadopoulos. With over 8.500 diving hours under his belt and alongside his beautiful and fearless daughter Titi Papadopoulos he has explored numerous sites, such as lost ancient cities, mystic spaces, lost shipwrecks and underwater caves. A remix of sounds and music from the films of Mr Alexis.


Drapetsona industrial port area – OMIO. (2004)
Attika. Recording the drone of the city of Athens - OMIO (2006)
Pireus. Walking within the Athenian metro system – OMIO (20011)
Nightime within the train cemetery - OMIO (2017)
Nightime in ancient house in Naxos (2017)

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