Asphyxia: The "Idiote", the Library Wifi and the Suppressed Safe #19 - Caduceus

with Daniel R. Wilson
Wednesday 7th February 2024 16:00 - 17:00 GMT

Originally commissioned in 2022 as part of Radio Art Zone's tapestry of 22-hour radio productions, this project by Daniel R. Wilson is re-presented here in episodic form. Asphyxia hacks the antagonising systems which thwart and forestall projects (its name also acknowledges the asphyxiating atmosphere of long-form radio when made by a single person). It is a damaged would-be radio documentary exploring the Narnia of restricted access material and gatekept employment.

Sideways research continues apace... This instalment of Asphyxia sees the return of a mysterious polymath possessed of unspecific 'inside information'.

Chit-chat about data security ensues (covertly recorded, ironically). Following this, the narrator bluffs his way past the security cabin at the Midland Road entrypoint to the British Library's goods yard, where a bin-dive yields an unknown writer's diaries, discarded by the library for uncertain reasons.

Meanwhile, the use of tin-foil to eliminate electromagnetic interference is trialled upon the narrator's Zoom recorder which is susceptible to 50Hz hum.

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