Asphyxia: The "Idiote", the Library Wifi and the Suppressed Safe #18 - Chaos

with Daniel R. Wilson
Tuesday 6th February 2024 17:00 - 18:00 GMT

Originally commissioned in 2022 as part of Radio Art Zone's tapestry of 22-hour radio productions, this project by Daniel R. Wilson is re-presented here in episodic form. Asphyxia hacks the antagonising systems which thwart and forestall projects (its name also acknowledges the asphyxiating atmosphere of long-form radio when made by a single person). It is a damaged would-be radio documentary exploring the Narnia of restricted access material and gatekept employment.

"Nobody is entitled to simply walk into a business and work there. If there were no quality control safeguards in place, we would just have chaos." So grumbled some self-serving 'authority figure' circa 2012.

As if to wave a middle finger at the naysayers' edicts, the narrator continues to pursue 'pure volunteering', and interrogates concepts of "quality", "safeguards", "place", "have" and "chaos" via a palimpsest of found media, ranting, and cool, calculated disgrace.

Parallel to this, research continues into the contentious forbidden book, supposedly locked in the uncatalogued portion of the British Library's Suppressed Safe.

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