Anthony Moore and Peter Blegvad - 'Human Geography US'

Tuesday 19th March 2024 16:00 - 17:00 GMT

“Human Geography US” by Anthony Moore and Peter Blegvad, featuring spoken texts taken from the prose work of six 20th century American writers; a booze-biased mapping of the US in a human geography of words, music and field recordings. The texts are recited by Peter Blegvad, poet, illustrator and musician.

The guitar pieces, field recordings and concept are by Anthony Moore. Running order: 1. Pynchon; 2. Black; 3. Brautigan; 4. Dorn; 5. Willeford; 6. Crowley; 7. Brautiganagain. Sources:
Jack Black, ch. 10, You Can’t Win (1926); Richard Brautigan, “In The California Bush”, “The Shipping of Trout Fishing in America Shorty to Nelson Algren”, “The Mayor of the Twentieth Century”, from Trout Fishing in America (1967); John Crowley, “Bottom of a Bottle” and “Ahead and Behind”, from Little,Big (1981); Edward Dorn, “Real Towns Have No Parking Meters (The Miles City Bucking Horse Sale and The Last Rites of the True West)” and "Of Western Newfoundland, Its Inns & Outs", from Way West (1993); Thomas Pynchon, “Episode 50”, from Mason & Dixon (1997); Charles Willeford, ch. 7, I Was Looking for a Street (1988).

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