Sunday 3rd November 2024 00:00 - 02:00 GMT

Monthly experimen†al kleptomaniac post digital free jazz spam channel operated by artists Tilman Hornig and Paul Barsch aka DRONE OPERATØR.

AA+ DRONE OPERATØR RADIØ #9 features mostly recently released free jazz and experimental music, spiced with søme neue musik and other DØ Oeffre material klunki klunki diamønds. 

Elin Gonzales, our guest for this show, takes over for half an hour. Her mix is an ode to fidgety listening habits, jumping from Cardi B confessing her love for house music to video snippets of my beloved youtube channel 'kids reacting to:', travel ads, unanswered calls, bardcore, and features the latest release of unapologetic Getting Buscemi? record label including some original swiss german dialect. Drøp it like it’s cute!


Drone Operatør - Seven Minutes Intrø Mud Mix
Drone Operatør - Hexagon (Feat. Bonnie Lander)
Drone Operatør - The Vessel (edit)
Koeosaeme - 212202115:46 feat. seth graham 
Hlýnun | Tumi Árnason - III - Svart Haf (part 1)
Mermaids and Sirens know - Mermaids in the Water, Sirens on the Sand (injecting New Drama edit)
Shirobon - e a r t h [Illusion:Simulation]
Hlýnun | Tumi Árnason - III - Svart Haf (part 2)
Ted Byrnes - Moving My Body Through Space
Michael Lacrocca - Waterlogged
Jack Cooper, Jeff Tobias - Wicken
Tilman Hornig - Frozen Gestures 2
Hlýnun | Tumi Árnason - III - Svart Haf (part 3)
Absolute Terror Field - Threshold Passageway
JIKJI (Violeta García, Daniel Bruno, Pablo Díaz) - set
(Cabral / Maerbach / Freese) - NUH
Hard Living (Forbes / Young / Walter) - The Price of Genius


Drone Operatør - Transition
Information (Justin Smith) - Comfort and Ease
Information (Justin Smith) - a Fragment of Something Impossible
Iris Garrelfs - Six Pillars
Goo Age - Eggdome Conservatory
Coody Brant - Lossen The Grip
Vadim Petrenko - Cash Register Poems
Niobe - Suprise
Vincent Eoppolo - Crisis of Faith
Sam Pluta - ATD V (Drone Operatør Edit)
Uri Gincel Trio - Avre
Drone Operatør - Not Your Robot
Drone Operatør - Dama Cloud
Jan Jelinek - Prime Time Ep Outake
John Coltrane - My Favorite Things
Oliver Coats - Dolphins Climb Onto Shore For The First Time
The Books - Lemon Of Pink
Elysia Crampton - Grove (løøped)

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