Tuesday 13th August 2024 14:00 - 16:00 BST

Monthly experimen†al kleptomaniac post digital free jazz spam channel operated by artists Tilman Hornig and Paul Barsch aka DRONE OPERATØR.

This episode was created entirely by the AI. Stop! Not quite. There was a painstaking search and editing process. And all the lyrics were handwritten by Drone Operatør. But yes, all the music here was invented by a machine brain. Of course it learned from humans. Illegal data extraction, blah blah blah....

But this is it. Here we are! When the cold, damp smell of the rehearsal room hits your nose and the smoky, smelly pub concert creeps into your brain, just enjoy the ride. You've never understood exactly how sound travels on radio waves, to begin with, so what? This is our testament. The AI testament.

(Sorry, no tracklist av-AI-lable)

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